The Viewspaper

SDG 4: Quality EducationSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Simply put, The Viewspaper is the voice of youth. It is a youth media company based on citizen journalism running a network of 10 youth papers in addition to the main national paper. Available on the internet and in mobile space, The Viewspaper carries the views and opinions of young people from across the world on topics ranging from arts, politics, business and society, to science and sports. The Viewspaper aims to bring about social change by consolidating the opinions of youth on current events and relevant topics, based on the assumption that when lots of young people express their views on the same subject at the same time, a conversation starts out of which a consensus with the potential to be a catalyst for change, can emerge. More than 6000 young people under 35 have contributed to The Viewspaper to date and are rooted in a strong community of 1,49,000 Facebook fans and thousands of readers. Views TV, a UK edition, courses in writing and an online school of journalism are just some of the next steps in expansion.