European Champions 2021

European Champions 2021

digital. purpose driven. european. November 24, 2021


The European Young Innovators Winners 2021 present outstanding digital solutions with relevance and immediate impact in their communities. With local content and smart technology, the 15 winners pitched their solutions to improve the daily life in our societies at the European Young Innovators Festival on November 24th.


Evaluating their pitch, the product and the team behind the solutions - the Jury members finally select 2 overall winners - one European Champion in the category European Young Innovators under the age of 32, and one European Champion in the Youth Category under the age of 26 years!


Congratulations to the 2 European Champions 2021!


European Champion

CircuitMess, Croatia

CircuitMess' kits are a unique blend of resources for learning about both hardware and software in a fun and interesting way. All the kits come disassembled, and the user has to assemble them from scratch by soldering and screwing the pieces together.

European Champion - Youth Category

Snapstudy, Ireland

Snapstudy is an AI based content revision app that uses proprietary and state-of-the-art NLP models to allow users to take images of their notes & creates flashcards/ summaries of their notes for revision, and can create summaries/flashcards from handwritten notes as well as printed text.


All winners will be honored in an onsite ceremony at the European Young Innovators Festival in Graz, May 3-5, 2022!