Spotlighting UN’s International Day of Education

In a world full of shades of gray, education stands out as a rare force consistently fostering positive transformations in economies. The United Nations, recognizing its pivotal role, has declared January 24 as the International Day of Education—a testament to its fundamental status as a human right, a public good, and a public responsibility. In the face of climate change, persistent inequalities, and global conflicts, education emerges as a potent force to address and prevent these challenges. It is a linchpin for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 4, which aims to ensure inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all by 2030.


The Unseen Obstacles in Education

While the global commitment to education is evident, challenges persist. Approximately 244 million children and adolescents worldwide are out of school, and 617 million cannot read or do basic math. Bridging these gaps requires innovative solutions, and the World Summit Awards (WSA) winners (particularly the winners of the “Learning & Education” category are at the forefront of this mission. Here are 5 outstanding examples of WSA winners who are helping improve access to education:

Innovations in Global Education: Transformative Initiatives Making a Difference

Kipin - Indonesia

Introducing the smart IoT device, Kipin Classroom, this Indonesian initiative revolutionizes education. It empowers teachers and students with access to 60,000 curriculum books, videos, quizzes, and digital tests in classrooms without internet connectivity.
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Viacodigo - Peru

Focused on promoting digital citizenship, Viacodigo equips individuals with essential digital skills. Through theoretical and practical sessions, the project addresses digital violence, fostering a conscious and critical digital citizenship in adolescents and professionals.
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InspireLearn - Malawi

Providing simplified offline access to quality educational resources, InspireLearn offers a lifeline for learners in Malawi. This platform serves as a distance learning alternative, especially crucial for school dropouts and those with special needs.
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School of Fish - Singapore

School of Fish, the World’s 1st Digital Literacy B2B Curriculum, introduces Computational Thinking skills for preschoolers. With a focus on early childhood education, JulesZone's initiative prepares young minds for the demands of the digital era.
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Gamelab Education - Chile

Anticipating the shift in the job market, Gamelab Education leverages AI to revolutionize business teaching. Through simulations in various fields, this Chilean project equips individuals with essential management skills in an effective and engaging manner.
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UN International Day of Education: A Global Acknowledgment of Educational Impact

As we celebrate the UN International Day of Education, these initiatives exemplify the transformative power of education. They not only address the current gaps but also lay the foundation for a more equitable and sustainable future. Explore how these WSA winners contribute to the global education landscape on the WSA website.
Explore WSA Winners