Global initiative to honour best practice in digital media -
The world’s outstanding products in e-content and creativity
@ WSIS 2003


Dubai, October 17 – 22, 2003


“Making existing excellence visible.” The goal of the World Summit Award initiative, is and has been to demonstrate concrete benefits of the Information Society in terms of new qualities in e-content and innovative applications, by selecting, presenting and promoting best practice from all over the world.

The high-tech city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was the epicentre of the emerging global Information Society. The World Summit Award (WSA) Grand Jury came together to evaluate the best products in multimedia and e-content from 136 countries.

It was a huge challenge and the outreach was overwhelming, nonetheless, 36 experts in multimedia and ICT undertook the task of selecting the most creative and innovative contents in the eight categories of the WSA: e-Learning, e-Culture, e-Science, e-Government, e-Health, e-Business, e-Entertainment and the special WSA category, e-Inclusion.



The WSA Jury selected 40 outstanding projects from over 800 entries to be honoured in a spectacular showcase event at the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, December 10th 2003.

The Jury selection exemplifies the quality of today’s multimedia market world wide and offers a comprehensive overview on best practice in e-content and creativity. A special emphasis in the product evaluation was put on projects which show the benefits of information and communication technology for the development of communities and help to bridge the growing content gap between developed and developing countries.





Josephine Cacdac

Vice President for Academic Affairs

TRACE College in Los Banos


Effat El Shooky

Director of Online Distance Learning Program, Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa -CCCPA- Cairo


Elizabeth Quat

Legislative Council Member | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Founder | Internet Professional Association (iProA)

Legislative Council Member SAR Hong Kong


Osama Manzar

Founder & Director

Digital Empowerment Foundation


Peter A. Bruck

WSA Chairperson

World Summit Awards


Martin Casey

Managing Director

Arekibo Communications


Alexander Felsenberg

Head of Innovation, Development and CSR

Circet Deutschland GmbH


Denis Pansu

Coordinateur du réseau des Carrefours des Possibles

FING Fondation Internet Nouvelle Genereation


Dave Kissoondoyal

Director of Information Technology

Teleforma ltd - a US Upstream Co.


Jan Bieringa


BWX Productions

New Zealand

Co-Funded by the European Union