Check out the Global Champions of 2023

The WSA Global Congress in Chile was a trimph of impact entrepreneurship, celebrating innovation in line with the UN global goals. The Global Congress is intended to celebrate the final 5 winners in each category. However, it is also the final stage in a process where one Global Champion is selected from the 5 winners. The Global Champions are celebrated in the final day of the Global Congress as best practice examples for digital tools helping to improve society around the world.

WSA Global Champions of 2023


Government & Citizen Engagement

Totoy uses AI technology to translate Austrian governmental documents into 95 languages. It targets people with a low level of literacy, first-generation immigrants functionally illiterate or elderly who may find gov jargon confusing. Totoy simplifies content for easy understanding in 18 languages, empowering those who struggle to grasp the legal, medical, or administrative bafflegab often contained in official documents.  Totoy’s ability to answer questions and assist with tasks related to a document’s contents is an impactful application. Totoy  demonstrates the benefits of AI in the field of public information accessibility.


Checkpoint care

Health & Wellbeing

Checkpoint Care LLC allows remote medical monitoring and measuring of vital signs in real time, transmitting them wirelessly to medical professionals. Four out of every ten patients are harmed during primary and ambulatory care according to the WHO. Checkpoint Care LLC builds on three pillars: smart wearable sensors providing real-time, high-resolution data collection; AI-based Digital Twins creating digital biomarkers for accurate patient representation; and a Virtual Care Centre offering remote clinical support and continuous technology-driven care. Checkpoint Care LLC is validated by top EU university hospitals and catering to diverse markets and adapts well to regional needs and regulations.



Learning & Education

Alfi is a free financial education platform and app based on AI, gamification, machine learning and behavioural economics for youngsters under 15. The serious game combines fun and personalized tools responsive to the preferences of young people to keep them involved. Alfi helps users make responsible financial decisions. Alfi transforms the financially illiterate prone to low incomes and high debt with high content into sustainable financial clients with higher earnings, increased quality of life and and smart ways of interaction. Alfi changes the approach to FinEdu in Latin America and offers users to act as responsible financial clients.


Rescue the planet

Environment & Green Energy

Rescue the Planet (RdP) targets the global issue of plastic pollution, engaging Latin Americans through social media and education. Using scientific expeditions and campaigns, RdP raises awareness, focusing on reaching youth and all little invested in environmental causes. High quality films show how plastic contamination creates a cycle of adversity, deteriorating ecosystems and communities, forcing migration due to the loss of traditional resources. RdP produces engaging visual material for social and streaming media, mobilizing to take action. Firing up emotions to inspire change, Rescue the Planet shows how research and activism might lead to plastic free oceans.



Culture & Heritage

Vacayit tackles visual-centric tourism marketing and the scarcity of information on accessibility which hinder tourists with handicaps to make informed travel decisions. Vacayit offers voice searches for the blind, transcripts for the deaf, and an inclusive design for those with colour blindness. Vacayit is compatible with assistive technologies, working with tourism operators to develop vivid descriptions of the experiences offered. Content by vision-impaired persons prioritises all five senses making audio-guides more enriching. In fact, Vacayit appeals not only to its primary audience, but to all travellers who care.


Resilient Cities

Smart Settlements & Urbanisation

Resilient Cities creates environmental analytics using satellite data and AI to make cities resilient and sustainable. Resilient Cities transforms imagery from space from a lower-resolution state to high-resolution, enabling clients to receive vital, scalable information regularly and affordably. Resilient Cities monitors green roofs, land surface temperature, surface sealing and vegetation to counter urban heat and flooding, while promoting biodiversity. Using analytics, cities can measure the effectiveness of existing programs, to better allocate future resources and achieve sustainability goals. Affordable access to critical data provided by Resilient Cities is a cornerstone of urban liveability.


Group Loan Women PRO

Business & Commerce

Group Loan Women PRO has built a sound business case for women in rural areas, leveraging basic technologies such as text messenger and classic microfinance. Women entrepreneurs with no collateral are now credit subjects. National statistics show 23% of women access formal financial services, but in rural areas, only 1 out of 10.  Women leaders in Group Loan Women PRO’s network, "Allies in Action," teach female entrepreneurs how to use technology. Group Loan Women PRO offers women the lowest interest rates. It reduces the risk of default through trust-building.  Group Loan Women PRO disproves the idea that, without experience and collateral, loans to women are impossible.


Safe You

Inclusion & Empowerment

Safe YOU combats the world’s most pervasive violation of human rights, gender-based violence. The AI-supported web platform provides emergency help to women at risk of violence, bridging the gap between women and existing social services. The Safe YOU platform and app give stakeholders access to case management and awareness raising tools.  An analytic system is designed to collect anonymous data and deliver evidence-based policy recommendations. Safe YOU breaks down structural barriers keeping poor women and girls from accessing help, by providing free, remote and private access to consultations with medical and social professionals.


Stick 'Em

Young Innovators

Stick 'Em makes STEAM education accessible. The digital STEAM education platform develops tech and soft skills such as creativity, communication and problem-solving. Stick 'Em reduces infrastructure costs and provides an online ecosystem of challenges and games, making learning fun. Stick 'Em attracts teachers new to the field. Designed as an out-of-the-box solution, it does not require prior knowledge and reduces teacher workload by providing ready-to-use materials. Stick 'Em has increased the number of schools accessing quality STEAM education ten-fold, creating problem-solvers for the 21st century. It helps achieve SDG 4 and 10.

Co-Funded by the European Union