WSA Global Congress 2022

March 22-24, 2022


Climate crisis, gender and education inequalities, an increasing number of people who live in poor health conditions or social exclusion - global divides are more than ever visible. Together hacking the gaps around the world.


The WSA Global Congress was held online on March 22 - 24, 2022 and gathered the WSA Community from five continents to share their knowledge and best purpose-driven digital impact solutions for more inclusive world.


WSA Global Congress 2022| Program



The program offered a wide range of panel discussions, workshops and interactive sessions, and the WSA Winners 2021 and Young Innovators 2021 pitched for the title of WSA Global Champion 2022. With their outstanding digital solutions, they create local change, making positive impact day by day and fight to reach the UN SDGs to narrow digital divides globally.







  • Innovation Pitches by the WSA Winners 2021 - Connect 4 Impact
  • Innovation Pitches by the WSA Young Innovators Winners 2021 - Digital solutions impacting society by Young Entrepreneurs under 26 years of age
  • Engaging discussions about regional challenges and opportunities
  • The WSA Winners 2021 and WSA Young Innovators Winners 2021 award ceremony







WSA Global Congress 2022 | Catalogue


Government & Citizen Engagement: is an online tool making representative politics in Lithuania more transparent and increasing trust in political integrity by holding members of Parliament accountable. collects, analyses, and visualises data about parliamentary policymaking, indicating what interest groups and lobbyists affect decision-making. Data obtained from various sources is systemised in user- friendly interactive charts.



Health & Well Being:

FibriCheck is a free digital application from Belgium for smart phones and watches, detecting cardiac arrhythmia to prevent strokes. Pioneered in 2014, FibriCheck is certified as a full medical device, super simple yet equal in accuracy to an ECG. Users download the app for heart rhythm monitoring as easy as putting one’s finger on the camera for 60 seconds. Feedback follows, clinical support can be requested.



Learning & Education:

The Inspirelearn mobile platform from Malawi is a simple, portable, offline, and affordable tool containing graphic educational content and an audio library in both English and Chichewa, the local language. The platform can be easily modified to work on Inspirelearn solar-powered display devices and is a great tool for secondary school youth in remote and underprivileged communities.



Environment & Green Energy:

Peer to Peer Solar Trading provides an operating system in Uttar Pradesh state for new clean energy markets. In P2P energy trading, individuals generate energy from rooftop solar (RTPV) and share excess energy. Power Ledger’s platform integrates with smart meter systems to enable households to set prices, track energy trading and settle surplus solar transactions in real-time through smart contracts executed on blockchain.



Culture & Tourism: is a unique platform nurturing Sri Lankan writers and offering texts in Sinhala via free web & mobile apps. With a secure copyright framework, over 200 authors publish without fear of theft, build their readership, and gain popularity. presents readers young and old with diverse works to enjoy and review, including voiced renditions.



Smart Settlements & Urbanization:

The CREE LifeCycle Platform from Austria for the systematic construction of large-scale buildings, combines stunning design with urban sustainability. The CREE network of professionals improves and shares forward-thinking building practices. Users join a community of transparent, interactive expertise in globally applicable, sustainable, construction methods where perspectives come together to enhance the platform, and to radically digitize and reorganize conventional processes in the construction industry.



Business & Commerce:

Lucinity from Iceland is an AML software company using Human and advanced AI systems to Make Money Good. Existing anti- money laundering (AML) systems based on manual processes only catch about 1% of the 2.5 trillion US dollars laundered through financial systems every year. With Lucinity, banks find money laundering behaviours in transaction data more efficiently, AML procedures become more targetted with every case.



Inclusion & Empowerment:

Mobility Mojo from Ireland is a digital accessibility evaluation toolkit. Mobility Mojo helps workplaces and hotels evaluate, integrate, and display accessibility features. Using a smartphone office managers or hotel owners walk through and audit their premises, then integrate and display all the facilities they offer in a standardized way across all platforms. Mobility Mojo helps businesses to deliver a welcoming experience to people with accessibility needs.



Young Innovators:

CocoRemedy is a mobile web-based application in Sri Lanka providing coconut growers with information from surveillance identifying coconut diseases and pest infestations early. In collaboration with the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka (CRISL), CocoRemedy offers visualizations of infected areas or future danger areas using deep learning, image processing, and crowdsourcing.



WSA Global Congress 2022 | Event & Impact Report





The WSA Grand Jury 2021 evaluated from January 24 - 28 the WSA Shortlist and decided in a democratic and transparent process on the most powerful and content rich solutions of 2021.


'Being a Member of the WSA Grand Jury, I have witnessed that [...] in pushing ourselves to think outside the box and draw on the best empirical evidence that exists, the convening WSA applicants showcased promising evidence that we still have significant hope for the UN 2030 agenda. [...].’ - states WSA Grand Jury member and National Expert for Australia, Sachi Wickramage.



A look back - WSA Global Congress 2020 & 2021

At the WSA Global Congress Vienna 2020, 120 international ICT experts got together to exchange how digital solutions drive the achievement of the UN SDGs and how digital creativity can make a positive impact on society - the 3 days event offered an intense learning journey and great networking. Due to the pandemic, the WSA Global Congress 2021 was held online. Travel-free, it enabled more than 800 participants to join the a global network to collaborate, share and learn.



Co-Funded by the European Union