WSA Global Congress

The next Global Congress will be held in Telangana, India from April 6 to 9, 2025

The WSA Global Congress is an international conference and workshop format to present and promote the 40 international WSA winners. The event discusses how ICTs and digital innovation can have a positive impact on society and present global Best-Practice examples.

So far, the WSA Global Congreass took place already in Chile, Portugal, Switzerland, Tunisia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, Egypt, UAE, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Singapore, and Austria. With its focus on concrete solutions and content and its societal impact instead of economic success and technological innovation, it is a unique interactive, dynamic and process oriented event, with more than 400 start-ups, social entrepreneurs, experts and speakers from 80 countries attending.


Mark your calendars for a memorable experience in one of India's most important centers of innovation.

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Previous WSA Global Congress Gatherings

Co-Funded by the European Union